Why 24-Hour Urgent Care Centers Are Important

Receiving prompt professional medical care is a necessity in today’s fast-paced world. After all, your health is one of the most important aspects of your life. That’s why so much of our lives revolve around staying healthy and addressing issues when they arrive. From street corners dotted with pharmacies to schedules that integrate sick days to daily supplementation, health is a focal point of modern society. Urgent care centers fit seamlessly into that world and the health conveniences we’ve come to expect. There is a myriad of reasons why 24-hour urgent care centers are exceptionally important, including those listed below!


Emergency rooms excel in providing treatment when the situation is dire, and offices deliver exceptional care when you schedule appointments. Urgent care centers fall somewhere in the middle of these two options, giving people quick access to the care they need without requiring emergency attention or needing to wait for an available appointment.

Because of this, wait times are often shorter—typically less than 15 minutes—and the convenience is unmatched. Being able to walk into a clinic at any time on any day of the week is a game-changer for those who are seeking care but do not need emergency services.

Unfortunately, only 2% of such centers are open beyond normal business hours, highlighting an area where care can be improved.


Compared to emergency rooms and hospitals, the cost associated with visiting an urgent care center is significantly lower. This is true for several reasons, including the fact that the majority of insurance plans are accepted at urgent care centers, and no third-party bills will be included.

For those without insurance, urgent care centers are the best place to receive treatment, especially if the alternative is an emergency room or hospital. For those with insurance, urgent care centers can also save you money; just double-check to ensure they are an in-network provider!

Level of Care

You are bound to receive high-quality care at an urgent care center. The vast majority (around 95%) will have a minimum of one full-time medical provider on duty, ensuring that your treatment will match that of a primary care hospital. In other words, you can enjoy the convenience and cost savings of an urgent care center while being confident in the level of care you will receive.

A Fantastic Alternative

Urgent care centers provide great medical coverage around the clock, giving a massive portion of the population readily accessible medical treatment that is affordable and convenient. As a bonus, these 24-hour alternatives to other options, including emergency rooms, can act as a pressure relief for those more traditional services.

By giving people in need of medical treatment an alternative, urgent care centers allow emergency rooms to function as they are intended to function—providing assistance to those with dire medical needs.

Urgent care centers are a win-win for the medical community and for the people seeking treatment, making them exceptionally important to a world of fast-paced living and health consciousness!

Should Kids Wear Masks During The Pandemic?

One of the changes that Covid-19 brought to our way of life is the compulsory usage of face masks as a way to prevent the spread of the virus. No one is left out of these precautionary measures, including kids, whether they are at school or in public areas.

Should kids wear medical face masks?

The answer to this question is an emphatic “yes”. Understandably, kids do not always want to wear masks but they have to be helped to adapt to this new “normal”.

However, kids with conditions that make breathing difficult such as cystic fibrosis and cancer should only wear masks in consultation with a medical practitioner.

Also, kids below five years should not wear face masks due to suffocation risk according to the WHO and the UNICEF.

When should kids wear face masks?

Generally, it is expected that children wear masks when they are in school, childcare, or involved in any group activity. Kids are also expected to wear face masks when it is impossible for them to stay 6 feet away from others. For example, at the grocery store, at school, in a playground park, and in a bus, among others. Assuming that a mask shall be changed every 4 hours, it is advised to purchase 3 ply surgical mask in bulk and therefore, make sure that your lovely ones always have a spare mask to stay protected against the virus.

Also, it is important for a child who is physically close to an ill person to use a mask. It is expedient that children engaging in sports and other physical activities do not wear masks so that their breathing is not affected.

To achieve this, it is critical to ensure that all other essential public health measures are put in place, for example:

  1. Maintaining at least 1-meter distance.
  2. Limiting the number of kids playing at a time.
  3. Providing hand hygiene equipment
  4. Encouraging the kids to use them.

The importance of masks to kids

Like every other category of people, the use of masks by kids keeps them from getting infected with the virus. More importantly, it keeps them from spreading it.

Children are less likely to manifest symptoms of the virus: this means that they might not know whether they have it or not. Children need guidance and control and in the absence of this, they can go to any lengths to have fun. In the course of having fun, they can get infected or infect a bunch of people who react more severely to the virus.

Thus, they must make use of face masks. Also, the use of masks helps protect kids with underlying health conditions, especially when they visit health practitioners.

How to help your kids mask up?

For obvious reasons, it might be a challenge to get your child to put on a mask. Children like to be free and comfortable, and truth be told, even for adults, masks are not exactly comfortable. Also, they tend to be hyper and a lot of respiration takes place in the course of all their adventures. With masks on their faces, it won’t be comfortable for them to do all of that.

Nevertheless, safety tops the priority list and they need to be encouraged and made to understand why masks are important.

The following are some tips on how to help your kids mask up.

  1. Explain to your child why masking up is important: Kids want to know why they are doing something before they do it, therefore, you must explain it to them in the simplest of terms. You do not need to complicate things for them, you can tell them that the masks are to keep them and other people from germs. You could also make things more interesting and imaginative by telling them that the masks are shields to protect people from the attacks of “bad guys” (Covid-19).
  2. Provide attractive mask options: Kids love attractive and colorful things and you have the responsibility of providing cute masks for them if you want them to mask up. You can get a collection of masks and let your kids make their choice. It is easier to make them mask up because they get to choose their masks.
  3. Ensure their masks are comfortable.
  4. Practice masking up with them.
  5. Be a good example.

Masks are important for kids as much as they are for others in preventing the spread of the virus. It may be challenging, but you have the responsibility to ensure your kids mask up for their safety and a safer world. Do not forget that not all kids should use face masks.

Six Self-Care Tips For Healthcare Workers In A Pandemic

Hospitals and medical institutions worldwide have been on the brink of collapsing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Healthcare workers have definitely felt the full force of the pandemic in a way that other, ordinary, civilians have not been able to. This is why it’s so important that we look out for our healthcare workers in the same way that they have looked out for us.

Here are six self-care tips for healthcare workers…

Plan Ahead to Give Yourself Some “Me Time” 

When you have a hectic schedule to adhere to, the best way to make time for yourself is by planning ahead. For example, if you have a few spare sets of EMT pants, you won’t have to worry about loading the washing machine every day. Similarly, meal planning can help save valuable time and avoid unhealthy eating habits.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Professional Help

This pandemic has probably been one of the most challenging chapters of your career as a health worker. It’s only normal that you feel stressed, over-worked, and frantic about the entire health crisis. Don’t be afraid to seek out professional help and put your own needs before your responsibilities.

Evaluate Your Coping Skills

Everyone has their own ways of dealing with anxiety and stress. Some people develop healthy coping skills, whilst others resort to more destructive behaviors, such as skipping meals, excessive drinking, lashing out at others, or bottling emotions up. Try to evaluate your coping skills and swap out the negative for more positive mechanisms, such as exercising, reading, or meditating.

Seek Out Social Support

It’s much easier to shut everyone out of your life when you are feeling down instead of trying to connect with friends and loved ones. Although they may not understand what you are going through, it’s important that you maintain the relationships in your personal life.

Treat Yourself to a Day of Relaxation

On your day off, you may find that this is your only moment to clean the house, visit the post office, or cross off any other activity on the to-do-list. Give yourself a real day off and book a trip to the spa or in order to truly pamper yourself, you deserve it!

Sleep is Sacred

A lack of sleep can seriously contribute to stress levels and it can even cause lasting mental health or physical issues. Understandably, developing healthy sleeping habits is difficult as a health worker with hectic shifts. Try your best to get a full six or seven hours of sleep. Try blackout curtains, earplugs, white noise apps, or an eye mask.

More often than not, medical staff will develop severe stress and anxiety from their current working conditions, especially if they don’t reach out to others for help during these troubling times. This past year has been one of the most challenging to date, so let’s do everything that we can to support each other during the health crisis.

What Form Of Exercise Is Best For Older Adults?

The health risks associated with obesity in older adults are numerous and profound, including frailty. However, losing weight may accelerate certain age-related health issues such as bone and muscle mass. This, in turn, may contribute to osteopenia and sarcopenia.

The question, then, is how older obese adults can safely improve their health through diet and exercise, and what form of exercise is best for said individuals. In an attempt to answer this question, a clinical trial was conducted to assess the effectiveness of various exercise methods.

The Study

Several exercise modes were tested in this trial that involved 160 obese older adults. The goal was to evaluate how effective each mode of exercise was in reversing age-related frailty while also preventing the bone and muscle mass loss that often accompanies weight loss in such individuals.

Each participant was assigned to both a weight-management program and an exercise program. There were three possible types of exercise programs—aerobic, resistance, or combined training. A control group was also included in the study. This group did not have an exercise or weight-management program.

Physical Performance Test scores after six months were used as the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes were also evaluated, including changes in bone mineral density, body composition, physical functions, and other measures of frailty.

What Form Of Exercise Is Best For Older Adults


Of the original 160 obese older adults that were included in the trial, 141 finished the study. Both the aerobic group and the resistance group saw a 14% increase in the Physical Performance Test score. The combination group, on the other hand, increased by 21%. All of these groups saw more improvement than the control group.

All training groups saw a 9% decrease in body weight, while the control group saw no significant change. The aerobic and combination groups saw the highest increase in peak oxygen consumption. The combination and resistance groups experienced the largest increase in strength.

The combination and resistance groups also saw the least amount of lean mass decrease and bone mineral density decrease among the exercise groups.

Some musculoskeletal injuries were observed as adverse events related to exercise.

What it Means

The best method for losing weight in an effective, healthy manner in older adults that are obese is a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises, according to this study. This should provide individuals and their physicians valuable insight when addressing obesity-related health issues and how to mitigate them via weight loss.

Should Physical Therapy Be Part Of Your COVID-19 Recovery?

Los Angeles residents who experienced severe or long-lasting Covid-19 symptoms may feel overwhelmed with the countless treatments being touted as cure-alls for their struggles. Recently, physical therapy has emerged as a recommended tool for recovery – but can it really help?

How physical therapy can help

It is well-documented that Covid-19 can result in health issues long after a person has fought off the infection. For those who were severely ill, that risk is heightened – not only because of Covid-19, but because of the physical inactivity required to recover from the disease.

The longer muscles go unused, the more function they lose. Extended periods of immobility can also reduce stamina, which needs to be rebuilt slowly. People experiencing long Covid may have postexertional malaise (PEM), a condition that causes their symptoms to worsen with exercise. A physical therapist can guide someone with PEM to carefully pace themselves in rebuilding stamina.

When should physical therapy start?

Physical therapy can begin as early as hospital recovery, depending on a patient’s condition. Physical therapy this early in recovery looks different than therapy beginning later in recovery. This type of physical therapy aims to prevent muscle deterioration and increase the likelihood of returning to full mobility/function long term. Examples of what physical therapy in the hospital make look like includes:

  • Helping people change positions in bed
  • Passive joint motion, which means the therapist moves the patient’s body for them
  • Teaching stretches or motions that patients can perform in bed or at bedside
  • Practicing walking

A recent study indicated that hospital physical therapy can make a significant difference in long-term prognosis, leading to lower mortality rates. In this study, Covid-19 patients who received physical therapy had a 12% mortality rate, compared to a 25% mortality rate in those that did not. This is even more remarkable considering that those who received physical therapy were overall older, had more comorbidities (other chronic health issues), and were generally at lower levels of physical function than those who did not receive physical therapy.

The challenges of physical therapy during the pandemic

For those receiving physical therapy for Covid-related illness after being released from the hospital, receiving physical therapy has become more of a challenge. Efforts to reduce transmission have led many physical therapists to offer telehealth services through video chat. While effective for consultation sessions and those patients able to perform directives unassisted, this is insufficient for patients who need hands-on care.

For these patients, doctors have worked to bring services to patients in the form of house calls. Providers who offer these services will bring equipment to you, and conduct a physical therapy appointment on location.

Accessing Covid-19 testing at home

For many who have severe or long lasting symptoms, regular Covid-19 testing is necessary to determine when it’s safe to be around others. This can be a challenge for people who need physical assistance, but don’t want to infect others.

Onsite medical service providers    

The most accessible way to get rapid tests is through health care providers. Onsite medical service providers, like Concierge MD LA, Live Better Solutions, Becore will send a nurse with a Covid test to your house to administer Coronavirus tests to you and your household. In addition to convenience and risk of exposure, those recovering from severe Covid-19 symptoms may appreciate having the test administered by a professional who can ensure the test is administered correctly and with the least discomfort possible.

DIY Kits

The Covid-19 testing kits most easily accessible from retailers are PCR test kits. These tests require lab processing, meaning that you administer the test to yourself and mail it back to a laboratory in order to get results. The turnaround time for results can be anywhere from 3-14 days, depending on the lab and mail delivery times.

DIY rapid test kits were authorized for emergency use by the general public for the first time recently. These tests are designed to be administered at home and return results in 15 minutes. These kits are still in production, but are expected to debut in coming weeks. The tests are expected to cost roughly $30 once production is at full capacity, but will likely debut at a much higher price per test.

The Effect Of COVID-19 On Sleep

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has spawned many unforeseen consequences both on a global and personal scale. To date, there is still much unknown about the virus, its long-term effects, treatment options, and more. As such, the quest to better understand each element associated with COVID-19, both bag and nuanced, continues.

One surprising effect of COVID-19 may be its impact on sleep. While these negative influences may not be directly caused by the virus and its accompanying illness, the tremendous emotional and mental toll of the pandemic has led to increases in many areas of personal health, including anxiety, depression, and even poor sleep.

The Numbers

Throughout the world, studies and surveys have been conducted in attempts to quantify the non-physical health effects of COVID-19. The majority of these analyses found high rates of stress-related issues.

For example, a survey of 7,236 individuals in China found that 35% were experiencing anxiety, 20% reported depression, and 18% noted poor sleep. Interestingly, approximately a third of the 7,236 volunteers included in the survey were health-care workers.

In Italy, the numbers were equally as shocking. In a survey that included 2,291 Italians, poor sleep was reported by a whopping 57.1% of participants. High distress was also common (41.8%), as was high anxiety (32.1%). Even post-traumatic symptoms of stress were reported in 7.6% of survey participants.

Potential Causes

Both of the surveys mentioned above indicate that higher concern regarding the COVID-19 correlated with a higher risk of sleep problems and general anxiety. This was especially obvious among health-care workers who were more likely to be in close proximity to the virus and under significant pressure due to the pandemic.

It has also been theorized that fatigue, REM sleep behavior disorder, and sleepiness may be associated with COVID-19 infection. This change and disruption in sleeping habits due to infection would certainly account for some of the reported issues.

Direct contact with the virus and involvement in treating it were not the only source of stress and poor sleep. A variety of factors are being considered as causes and being evaluated as such. Anxiety regarding the pandemic, confinement due to quarantine and social distancing, financial distress resulting from shutdowns, and numerous other psychosocial factors are likely to blame—in part—for the disturbance in sleep.

More studies are sure to reveal a deeper understanding of the relationship between COVID-19 and sleep.

The Danger Of Lung Injuries Related To E-Cigarette Use

The use of e-cigarettes and vaping as smoking alternatives and general habits has risen dramatically since their introduction. Due to their newness and status as a non-traditional smoking option, the dangers associated with their use are often overlooked or understated.

However, many people have been hospitalized with EVALI—e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury—according to the CDC. In total, 2,558 nonfatal cases and 60 fatal cases have been reported as of January 7, 2020.

To help medical professionals better identify the condition and the patients most at risk of death from it, a study was conducted.

The Study

Two data sets were included in this study—that reported by health departments to the CDC and that from patient interviews and medical record abstractions. The EVALI data—including fatal and non-fatal cases—were compared to evaluate what patients were most at risk of death due to the condition.

By comparing the patients who developed EVALI and died from it, a profile of potential risk factors could emerge and be used for future identification, prevention, and treatment.


Of the fatal cases of EVALI, the majority were male (32 of 60). This trend held true for non-fatal cases of EVALI, as well, with 1,666 of the 2,498 included patients in this category being male. Further, patients who were white experienced EVALI, both fatal and non-fatal, at a higher rate than those in other ethnic groups (39 of 49 fatal, and 1,104 of 1,818 non-fatal).

Older individuals, defined as 35 or older, were more likely to experience fatal cases of EVALI than those under the age of 35 (44 of 60). However, this same group experienced fewer non-fatal cases than the younger group (551 of 2,514).

An individual’s medical history also played a vital role in the development and severity of EVALI. Fatal cases were linked to asthma, cardiac disease, and mental health conditions. Obesity was present in over half of the fatal cases.

What it Means

There are several characteristics that may contribute to fatality in patients hospitalized with EVALI. Of these, chronic health conditions were notable and included cardiac diseases, respiratory diseases, and obesity.

This study provides a basic profile that at-risk individuals may fit when developing EVALI. As such, clinicians should be aware of these risk factors when diagnosing and treating the condition to give each patient the most optimistic outlook possible.

How Effective And Safe Is The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine?

With the world still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, a glimmer of hope has sparked optimism in many people. The development of vaccines has occurred at record speed, creating the potential for protection from the virus. This is especially important for those who face a higher risk for complications and severe cases of COVID-19.

Due to the rapidity with which the vaccines have been developed, there is a tremendous burden on those making them—in this case, Moderna—to provide evidence of the vaccine’s efficacy and safety. Because of the time constraints, research in this regard has been quite limited. However, a study was recently conducted to test those two vital factors—efficacy and safety—among high-risk individuals.

The Study

Across the United States, 99 centers participated in this trial. Overall, 30,420 volunteers with high COVID-19 risk were enrolled and randomly assigned to two groups—one to receive a placebo, the other to receive the vaccine. Both groups were to be injected with either the vaccine or placebo twice, with the second injection occurring 28 days after the first.

The study was evaluating a primary endpoint of COVID-19 prevention at least two weeks after the follow-up injection. This endpoint only applied to those who had not had COVID-19 at any point prior.


Among those receiving both injections and without evidence of COVID-19 at baseline, the placebo and vaccine groups experienced symptomatic COVID-19 at differing rates.

Overall, the placebo group saw 185 participants develop symptomatic COVID-19, while the vaccine group saw only 11 participants become ill. For more perspective, this means that 56.6 people in the placebo group and 11 in the vaccine group developed symptomatic COVID-19 per 1000 person-years.

The only severe COVID-19 cases—30 in total—occurred in the placebo group.

What it Means

The data heavily favors the vaccine group in terms of the measured outcome—prevention of COVID-19. In other words, this study shows that the vaccine is, in fact, effective in its intended use.

Overall, a 94.1% efficacy was observed. This includes overall prevention of COVID-19 and severe cases of the illness. Further, no safety concerns were observed or identified, meaning that the use of this effective vaccine is likely safe for the demographics included in the study.

More extensive testing is needed to provide more context and evaluate the efficacy and safety of the vaccine in relation to demographics not included in the study. However, the results are more than promising.

Everything You Should Know To Use An Exercise Bike Effectively

Are you looking for cardio equipment that could make up for your skipped workouts? An exercise bike is one of the best cardio machines you could consider for a cardiovascular workout at home. It helps burn calories faster and strengthens your muscles, heart, and lungs.

You could choose from a variety of exercise bikes present in the market. To make the most out of them, you must select the right type that suits your fitness goals. There are various exercise cycles for sale in Canada, ensuring you high-quality performance at reasonable prices.

Exercise bikes exert less pressure on the joints compared to other kinds of cardio machines, thus are ideal for people experiencing joint problems. It also provides an effective aerobic workout, making your muscles stronger.

In this article, we will focus on the effective use of exercise bikes and how to gain maximum benefits. So, keep on reading to learn more about it.

How To Use An Exercise Bike Effectively?

For an effective workout, you must set-up your bike in a way that is most comfortable to you. Adjusting its seat and handlebar properly will provide you comfort while using the bike. Here we have highlighted the required adjustments you would need to set-up your exercise bike before getting started.

Adjust The Seat Height

Wear your biking shoes and place your feet on the pedals to adjust the seat height properly. As your one leg is fully extended on the bike, make sure there is a slight bend in the knee of 5-10 degrees.

You should pedal comfortably without pointing your toes to fully extend your leg. If your hips move side-to-side as you pedal, it indicates the seat is quite high for you.

In a recumbent bike, seats are adjusted forward and backward. Be sure to extend your legs fully with a slight bend in your knees.

Handlebar Height

You should be able to reach for handles comfortably while cycling. You may experience back, shoulder, hand, or neck pain if the handlebars are too low, too high, too far away, or too close. Make sure to bend your elbows slightly while riding.

It is better to raise your handlebars a little higher to prevent pressure on the lower back and neck. Also, you could consider advanced adjustments, like altering the handlebar height or width.

Seat Fore/Aft Position

Besides adjusting a seat’s height, you could adjust it forward or backward that is fore and aft position. During pedaling, ensure your forward knee is aligned with the pedal axle.

Pedal Clips Or Foot Straps

Stationary bikes that feature straps, help in keeping the feet in place while pedaling. The clip-in pedals offered in spin bikes allow exercisers to clip their cycling shoes securely in the pedals.

If you have your feet strapped into the pedals, you can push and pull the pedals in a circular motion, creating a smooth pedal stroke. Make sure there is less space between the upper part of the strap and the shoe.

Resistance Level

Exercise bikes come with the option of manually adjusting the resistance and speed. You could set them depending on your fitness goals.

If you increase your resistance level, it will work your glutes and hamstrings more. Make sure to push and pull on the pedals for an effective workout.

The Right Way To Ride An Exercise Bike

Keep in mind these steps when you get on an exercise bike:

  1. Before you hop on to the bike, make sure you are dressed in padded bike shorts or apply a gel pad on the seat. It will provide you added comfort while riding the bike.
  2. As you sit on the bike, make sure your legs are fully extended with a slight bend in the knee when you are pedaling. If so, it indicates that your seat is placed correctly.
  3. Make adjustments to the resistance level. For interval training, you may have to adjust the resistance to have a rigorous workout. You may reduce the resistance to take some rest while riding.
  4. Pedal gradually as the bike powers up. Remember to not move your ankles while pedaling.
  5. Begin cycling gradually and then pick up the pace. You may increase the resistance and speed after few minutes of riding. As you are finishing up, reduce the resistance to help you stabilize your heart rate.
  6. Utilize different programs if you are using an electronic bike. They have multiple options, such as a heart rate monitor, workout duration, and various levels of resistance. Also, you could select programs that help you strengthen muscles or burn calories.

Experts recommend exercise bikes for burning calories and strengthening your muscles. So, if you use the equipment the correct way, you will be able to achieve your fitness goals in a few weeks.

Experiencing Venous Insufficiency? Here Are The Things You Need To Do Right Away

Your health should always be a priority to ensure that you live a long, happy life. Health professionals are constantly making us aware of the importance of being healthy by exercising and eating a balanced and varied diet. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to health issues such as venous insufficiency. This condition essentially means that the venous wall in your legs cannot function well, and does not allow for the blood to be pumped from the legs to the heart. This results in a blood pool in the legs region, causing itchiness and swelling around the ankles.

Although venous insufficiency is not a serious condition, those who suffer from it can feel constant pain and this issue can disable them and prevent them from taking part in daily activities. It is important that you act quickly if you suffer from this issue and take the appropriate actions to prevent it from worsening. In this article, we will advise you of the things you need to do right away if you are experiencing venous insufficiency.

Wear Compression Garments

When you notice that you are suffering from venous insufficiency, it is a good idea to wear compression garments on the inflicted area. These garments are usually made of elastic, flexible fabric and can promote blood flow from the leg towards the heart and reduce swelling and pain. Although you can obtain one yourself. Your doctor or pharmacist may be able to prescribe you a

Consult With Your Doctor

As we mentioned previously, venous insufficiency is not considered to be a serious health threat. However, it can be extremely uncomfortable and prevent the individual from living a normal life. It is important that you do not ignore the symptoms when you suffer from this issue, and seek advice from a health professional. Depending on how severe your condition is, the doctor may recommend that you find an expert in the field for additional support – if this is the case you can make an online search to find Vein Doctor locations by city so that you find someone in your local area. A professional will be able to recommend the appropriate treatments as well as suitable lifestyle changes you may need to consider.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Having a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and a lack of exercise will contribute to venous insufficiency. You must assess your lifestyle and consider any changes that you might have to make to improve your condition. You can also ask your doctor what they recommend. Changing your lifestyle may not be easy to achieve, but it is fundamental that you do.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being a healthy weight is vital for the functioning of our body. When we are over the weight we should be, we are prone to developing a range of severe health conditions. As you can imagine, your weight is a contributing factor to venous insufficiency as the extra weight puts additional pressure on the valves in the leg veins. If you are overweight, you should consult with a nutritionist to discuss your weight and the type of diet you should eat. It is important to note that you can develop this health issue even if you are of a healthy weight, and in this case, you should continue to monitor your diet and activity levels to prevent issues.

Increase Activity Levels

Exercise is a must when it comes to your health – no matter what issue you have. Both your physical and mental well-being will benefit from physical activity. Any doctor will advise you to start exercising when you present with venous insufficiency. Even if you do not enjoy going to the gym and do not believe this is for you, there are other activities that you can do. Walking, for example, will help better this condition and you can always make the time for it in the day.

Elevate the Legs

This condition can be a result of long periods of standing up or sitting down, which you may have to do on a daily basis due to your job. If this is the case, ensure that you take regular breaks and move the legs around or elevate them as much whilst sitting down. This will increase blood circulation and avoid the pooling of blood from forming.

Avoid Tight Clothing and High Heels

Wearing tight clothing and high heels may make you look good, they certainly will not help your legs feel good. Although you may wear these occasionally, you should refrain from wearing these items on a daily basis as they restrict blood circulation within your body.

Venous insufficiency can have an impact on your daily life, you must take appropriate steps to ensure that you improve the condition and the discomfort and pain that comes with it. Follow the tips discussed above right away if you are suffering from this health issue.

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