A Great Way to Manage Care
The Apricus Health Network aligns with primary care physicians and specialists to improve health outcomes and patient satisfaction, while significantly lowering costs for patients, providers and payers. Health outcomes shift from reactive, episodic care to a continuous care relationship, including proactive population health strategies such as preventive and chronic care management, optimization of specialty care referral channels and overall care management.
Transparent Payment Model
Transparent payment model that pays providers based on individual group performance.
Care Coordination
Care navigators, and nurses who assist in coordinating patients health and care services.
Why Join Apricus?
  • Better Care
  • Benefit Enhancements and Beneficiary Engagement Incentives
  • Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs
  • Strong Beneficiary Protections
Warm + Accommodating Care = Apricus Health

We believe people should be able to choose how and when they want to get care.
Rethinking how doctors are able to provide care and the type of setting is part of the solution.